Saturday, April 14, 2012

Playdate with the Johnsons

So first, have I said how much I L.O.V.E sleeping baby pictures?!  Because I do!

And now, introducing Baby Lydia Ann!  I am not kidding ;)  More later, I'm tired!
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Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter 2012

Easter sure did sneak up on us this year! I don't know why, no major changes in our house recently ;) Day-to-day plans seem to change by the minute around here. I guess five kids will do that. Regardless, egg dying happened AFTER the two hour vigil, so Chase was SO thrilled about it! ha! Maisy was a little more enthusiastic!

Gianna woke us up on Easter with reports that there were eggs all over! Although she was also concerned because the eggs were inside, not out. She was afraid the Easter Bunny had not come because of this!

Here is Evelynn's good morning face ;)

Happy Easter Morning!

How Evelynn spent her Easter morning!

The Easter picture we are so proud of!

From the Brouillettes
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Thursday, April 5, 2012

Zoo with 3 babes!

Well, we did it...We bit the bullet and purchased another membership to the zoo...I dread it more every year, especially when membership prices go up nearly $25 in a year! The lady said "if it made me feel any better, the normal admission prices went up as well." No that doesn't help! Although, nearly $14 for one adult?! OUCH!!!

I digress. I NEED a zoo membership. I feel like it is a wonderful escape, and once I have doled out my hunk of change, I can somehow make myself believe we are going for free!! Silly, I know, but it is always an option! Especially on days like this...a beautiful 60 some-odd degrees! BEAUTIFUL!

This was Lydia's first time to the zoo. She like it so much, she slept the whole time! ha! Ironically enough, this picture was taken in front of the monkeys!

Here's our own little monkey...imitating the real thing ;)

We passed the bench, and Gianna yelled at us to 'come back!' because we hadn't taken a picture on it yet...precious...

The lions were posing...

The elephants were too?! Not very polite though!

Traditional Kelly/Ev picture ;)

Oh, if only you knew just how hard it was to even get THIS picture...ouch...can you believe, however, that EVIE was the one that was actually behaving?! This picture doesn't show it, but THAT is how rough it was!

Evie wanted to help push Lydia, such a lover!

Didn't even make it out of the parking lot ;) Poor baby...
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Sleeping Lydia

I suddenly have this Barney song in my head "I just can't get enough, I just can't get enough..." Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure it dealt with candy or something...

Anyway, I LOVE sleeping baby pictures! Thought I'd share some of her at 5 weeks ;)

These next two are how she sleeps majority of the time, with her hands over her head!

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